In 2010, I want everything to fall into place. The only way this will happen is if I make a pact with myself. So here goes...
-I promise to go to as many auditions as possible that offer me the opportunity to do what I want to do most: dance for a living.
-I promise to go all out, balls to the wall, with every opportunity that comes my way. In 2009, I was very picky on what auditions I went to and what I "felt" would be a good gig. Lets change that.
-I promise not to give up when the going gets tough. January is a slow audition month so I don't expect this "change" to happen immediately in'd be nice if it did though ;-)
-I promise to keep up with all things that make me a better dancer in addition to being more versatile in this industry. Hello yoga, gymnastics, hiphop, and singing(remember that brief stint).
-I promise to hold on to the friendships I have. Living far is no longer an excuse.
-I promise to strengthen the relationships with my extended family. It's a stretch, but I would love a 2010 reunion.
For some reason, 2010 feels like it could be such a big year. Maybe it's because is the beginning of a new decade. Maybe it's because I'm out of school and I don't think of another year as another semester. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic but I'm just ready for this new year to come. 2009 was great for the most part. It was definitely the year of new experiences but I'm ready for 2010 to top that.
Happy Holidays everyone <3
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
It's been awhile.
I'm really surprised that I haven't updated this in about 2 months. Lots has been happening. I do vow, after this post, to at least have more then 1 post a month. I've had this blog for awhile but it still hasn't gotten into my daily life yet.
Auditions...I've been all over the place and so has my headshot! I've had some really great experiences. First up, NCL. I've auditioned for them about 4 or 5 times now and each time has been a lot of fun. I really like their choreography and I'm hoping the more I audition, the closer I get to being cast. Most recently I went to 1 of the auditions and 1 of the dances was actually something that I had previously done the last time I was auditioning. That was nice because I was able to find the little things in the routine to really work on. And, it was a high energy dance which I love so I definitely wasn't opposed to a repeat performance. Wicked was another big audition I went to recently. I was so excited because I absolutely love this show and the choreography. I did my research as usual before the audition and that definitely helped me understand what the movement was supposed to look like. I must say though, when you are learning this choreography, it feels completely foreign to the body! My legs were going one way and my arms were going the other way with a different tempo. At first this kind of made me nervous because I thought I wouldn't be able to get it but once the music came on it started to flow well in the body. That actually surprised me. Muscle memory is a mysterious thing, folks. The ended up only keeping 1 or 2 people in my group so for now the Wicked dreams are on hiatus. But, with almost every audition I always walk away energized, inspired, and ready to hit the next one. If I didn't feel this way, boy would I have stopped long ago.
My next issue as the auditions kind of slow down during the holiday season is the print ad/commercial industry. This is something that I would really like to dive into but haven't found the right opportunity yet. It seems to me that this field is great once your "in" but from the outside looking in, you're stuck in the cold. I guess the only thing to do is just keep sending the headshots out and hoping for the best. But, as I'm sure most people wish, including myself, is to get that gracious email or phone call saying, at least, "yes, we did get your photos." I don't need an answer from them but just the satisfaction of knowing that they have my stuff.
Work is work. Nothing too exciting to report there. Extras work is fun when I do it. I would like to happily announce the addition of Yoga into my life. I've done it for a few years off and on, very hesitiant at first, but in the last week I've decided to busy my down time with yoga. Specifically, hot vinyasa. I've been taking it atYoga To The People. There are 3 locations and the classes are either $7, $5, or donation based. How great is that?? If anything, I have no reason NOT to go to yoga if it is so affordable and benificial to my body. Before, I was using the gym as a way to keep myself in shape but for the time being I'm going to shift my focus away from the gym and towards yoga. Should I not receive a similar outcome that I did at the gym, I'll just add the gym back into my lifestyle. I highly recommend Yoga To The People if anyone out there wants to get into yoga. It's completely a walk-in basis, you don't have to sign up or become a member. Just show up with an open mind...AND A TOWEL!
And now, I'm off to start packing for a trip to my past aka Maryland. My former school. I'm so excited to go back. I am so attached to this school and the people there. The friendships and experiences I've had there have never been replaced to this day. I'm such an advocate for going to a typical college because the lifestyle there is just non-other. I'm glad I got to experience both a typical college and a college in NYC, but going to MD was possibly one of the biggest moments in my life. I'm glad I found the time to be able to visit again.
Auditions...I've been all over the place and so has my headshot! I've had some really great experiences. First up, NCL. I've auditioned for them about 4 or 5 times now and each time has been a lot of fun. I really like their choreography and I'm hoping the more I audition, the closer I get to being cast. Most recently I went to 1 of the auditions and 1 of the dances was actually something that I had previously done the last time I was auditioning. That was nice because I was able to find the little things in the routine to really work on. And, it was a high energy dance which I love so I definitely wasn't opposed to a repeat performance. Wicked was another big audition I went to recently. I was so excited because I absolutely love this show and the choreography. I did my research as usual before the audition and that definitely helped me understand what the movement was supposed to look like. I must say though, when you are learning this choreography, it feels completely foreign to the body! My legs were going one way and my arms were going the other way with a different tempo. At first this kind of made me nervous because I thought I wouldn't be able to get it but once the music came on it started to flow well in the body. That actually surprised me. Muscle memory is a mysterious thing, folks. The ended up only keeping 1 or 2 people in my group so for now the Wicked dreams are on hiatus. But, with almost every audition I always walk away energized, inspired, and ready to hit the next one. If I didn't feel this way, boy would I have stopped long ago.
My next issue as the auditions kind of slow down during the holiday season is the print ad/commercial industry. This is something that I would really like to dive into but haven't found the right opportunity yet. It seems to me that this field is great once your "in" but from the outside looking in, you're stuck in the cold. I guess the only thing to do is just keep sending the headshots out and hoping for the best. But, as I'm sure most people wish, including myself, is to get that gracious email or phone call saying, at least, "yes, we did get your photos." I don't need an answer from them but just the satisfaction of knowing that they have my stuff.
Work is work. Nothing too exciting to report there. Extras work is fun when I do it. I would like to happily announce the addition of Yoga into my life. I've done it for a few years off and on, very hesitiant at first, but in the last week I've decided to busy my down time with yoga. Specifically, hot vinyasa. I've been taking it atYoga To The People. There are 3 locations and the classes are either $7, $5, or donation based. How great is that?? If anything, I have no reason NOT to go to yoga if it is so affordable and benificial to my body. Before, I was using the gym as a way to keep myself in shape but for the time being I'm going to shift my focus away from the gym and towards yoga. Should I not receive a similar outcome that I did at the gym, I'll just add the gym back into my lifestyle. I highly recommend Yoga To The People if anyone out there wants to get into yoga. It's completely a walk-in basis, you don't have to sign up or become a member. Just show up with an open mind...AND A TOWEL!
And now, I'm off to start packing for a trip to my past aka Maryland. My former school. I'm so excited to go back. I am so attached to this school and the people there. The friendships and experiences I've had there have never been replaced to this day. I'm such an advocate for going to a typical college because the lifestyle there is just non-other. I'm glad I got to experience both a typical college and a college in NYC, but going to MD was possibly one of the biggest moments in my life. I'm glad I found the time to be able to visit again.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I'm 22!
I have said time and time again that I will update, but it's been a lie...until now! Today, I am officially 22 and I can honestly say that the 365 days leading up to this day have been very good to me! I feel I've graduated from college, kick started a career in the entertainment industry, and have grown personally and as a dancer. Initially I was dreading turning 22 because I kept thinking, "oh I'm so old and I haven't done anything," but finally I'm looking at it from a different light. I have done a lot, especially this summer! All the experiences both good and bad have shaped who I am now and the way I look at this industry. I definitely went on with blinders, but happily I can say I'm much more prepared nowadays.
Hm, little things to mention:
-I finally got headshots done and edited. Really, that was a big step for me because I was so anti-paying-money-to-get-headshots-done-that-most-CD's-throw-away..but I finally gave in. I must say, even that has given me a little more confidence when going into the audition. I don't have to worry about how unprofessional my headshot looks. I had my friend, Dina, who is a great photographer take pictures of me and then I took them to Reproductions to be edited and printed. But, my only picky thing to say about them is that, although it came out looking good, I expected more. They have such a rep for their work but I wasn't overly impressed. That could just be me. A friend of mine told me about CityRepro so I think I may try them the next time I need headshots just so I can compare the two.
-I'm singing...sort of. I've started taking lessons! Another thing I was against. If there's anything I've learned its that you do have to conform to be in the industry, not everyone can go in the back door. Now that I bit the bullet and started lessons, I'm happy. I like learning new things. It's definitely OUT of my comfort zone and very difficult but I'm learning. I had a private lesson this past weekend in prep for the Legally Blonde Tour audition. I was so ready BUT they weren't keeping anyone so I never sang. I guess I can't be mad because technically I'm not SUPER prepared to sing anyways but BOY that audition was so much fun! I absolutely loved the combination we did, which was the cheer scene from 'What You Want.' I was giddy for the rest of the day.
-extras work. I've been doing a lot of extras work recently on different films, tv shows, and recently commericals. It has been REALLY fun and I've met a lot of great people. This has gotten me more comfortable with a camera being in the area and I've learned a lot about the industry itself and the art of production.
I'm out of time I have to start the bday festivities! Things coming up that I need to do include more lessons, more auditions, learning gymnastics, and learning to ACT!
Until next time..
Hm, little things to mention:
-I finally got headshots done and edited. Really, that was a big step for me because I was so anti-paying-money-to-get-headshots-done-that-most-CD's-throw-away..but I finally gave in. I must say, even that has given me a little more confidence when going into the audition. I don't have to worry about how unprofessional my headshot looks. I had my friend, Dina, who is a great photographer take pictures of me and then I took them to Reproductions to be edited and printed. But, my only picky thing to say about them is that, although it came out looking good, I expected more. They have such a rep for their work but I wasn't overly impressed. That could just be me. A friend of mine told me about CityRepro so I think I may try them the next time I need headshots just so I can compare the two.
-I'm singing...sort of. I've started taking lessons! Another thing I was against. If there's anything I've learned its that you do have to conform to be in the industry, not everyone can go in the back door. Now that I bit the bullet and started lessons, I'm happy. I like learning new things. It's definitely OUT of my comfort zone and very difficult but I'm learning. I had a private lesson this past weekend in prep for the Legally Blonde Tour audition. I was so ready BUT they weren't keeping anyone so I never sang. I guess I can't be mad because technically I'm not SUPER prepared to sing anyways but BOY that audition was so much fun! I absolutely loved the combination we did, which was the cheer scene from 'What You Want.' I was giddy for the rest of the day.
-extras work. I've been doing a lot of extras work recently on different films, tv shows, and recently commericals. It has been REALLY fun and I've met a lot of great people. This has gotten me more comfortable with a camera being in the area and I've learned a lot about the industry itself and the art of production.
I'm out of time I have to start the bday festivities! Things coming up that I need to do include more lessons, more auditions, learning gymnastics, and learning to ACT!
Until next time..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Heading into the homestretch of Summer
If you don't have tough skin, the entertainment industry is not for you. Thankfully, my skin is getting tougher by the moment. July and August, so far, have been filled with auditions and experiences, but as of now I don't have a professional gig yet.
I'm learning there are a lot of politics in the industry, unfortunately. It's not always solely based on skill. Gone are the days where you skill will take you to the top. Now, it's all about being the IT factor at the right moment. But, when is one's moment? As of now, it is unbeknownst to me. Some days, I wonder if I really want to go through all of this "searching" for MY gig, but then I realize that I've only been doing this for not even 2 months. Some people have been "searching" for a year or sadly, even more. I'm determined to break into this industry before then. I found a small hole to get in and now I'm trying to expand. The extras work I've been doing has been going pretty well although, as usual, I can't commit to it because something is ALWAYS standing in the way. Sometimes I don't submit myself because I can't commit to the whole day because of work. I need to fix my schedule!
So, other than extras work, I've been trying to build my resume and also break into the print and commerical industry. I think that would be a great experience for me and I've been pining for that since childhood. But once again it's all about being the IT factor at the right time. Hopefully once I get new photos I can send out my pictures and resumes and hopefully hear back from someone.
Wrapping up, since the last post I have had experiences with Step Up 3D, Happy.Thank You.More.Please, NJ Devils, etc. This is for personal memory so that I can actually remember what I've been doing all summer. Next up is Radio City for the 2nd time. I feel as though this audition might be harder than the last since they may have most of their spots filled. But, I am still going to dance to my fullest and hopefully receive good results!
I'm learning there are a lot of politics in the industry, unfortunately. It's not always solely based on skill. Gone are the days where you skill will take you to the top. Now, it's all about being the IT factor at the right moment. But, when is one's moment? As of now, it is unbeknownst to me. Some days, I wonder if I really want to go through all of this "searching" for MY gig, but then I realize that I've only been doing this for not even 2 months. Some people have been "searching" for a year or sadly, even more. I'm determined to break into this industry before then. I found a small hole to get in and now I'm trying to expand. The extras work I've been doing has been going pretty well although, as usual, I can't commit to it because something is ALWAYS standing in the way. Sometimes I don't submit myself because I can't commit to the whole day because of work. I need to fix my schedule!
So, other than extras work, I've been trying to build my resume and also break into the print and commerical industry. I think that would be a great experience for me and I've been pining for that since childhood. But once again it's all about being the IT factor at the right time. Hopefully once I get new photos I can send out my pictures and resumes and hopefully hear back from someone.
Wrapping up, since the last post I have had experiences with Step Up 3D, Happy.Thank You.More.Please, NJ Devils, etc. This is for personal memory so that I can actually remember what I've been doing all summer. Next up is Radio City for the 2nd time. I feel as though this audition might be harder than the last since they may have most of their spots filled. But, I am still going to dance to my fullest and hopefully receive good results!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Keep on Truckin'
So Monday was Day 2 of the KCD auditions. Before we auditioned we did a few things for one of the videos on the website. What was really cool about the experience as a whole was getting to see what happens behind the scenes for a major organization. It was cool to me to see photographers and video cameras throughout the whole process.
68 semifinalists returned as well as the returning KCD girls. The KCD girls performed a hiphop routine before we auditioned. Actually, the routine they did was one that I learned at the clinic a few weeks ago. It was cool to see the choreography we learned and how it was in actual performance.
The guest choreographer for Day 2 was Shane Sparks. He was really cool and I liked the combination that we did. It was very KCD style. Before we broke up into groups to do the routine they made a cut based on the first and second day. Unfortunately I was part of that cut. It came out of no where; truly unexpected. The only regret I have was not being about to audition the dance that we had just learned because I was really ready to rock it :-)
What I've learned from this whole process is that I need experience. The audition allowed me to realize that dancing for a Pro team is something I am definitely interested in doing. From here, I am now looking into other teams in the nearby area. I also would loveeee to audition for the Miami Heat girls or the LA Lakers! That'd be a dream come true! We'll see what happens. I wouldn't mind a vacation to either of those places
The downside to what I've learned from the audition process was another reminder that this is the entertainment industry and so ability is not the sole factor in determining if someone "gets the gig" or not. It's also about "the look." This is where I feel luck takes place. It's great if you have the look and the gig is willing to work with what you have to mold you into the ability that they want. It's unfortunate if you have the ability but you aren't the look they are going for. It's not one way or the other. It's just one way.
Check me out on the main website under the semi-finalists pictures as well as the end of the video titled "Day One" recap!
68 semifinalists returned as well as the returning KCD girls. The KCD girls performed a hiphop routine before we auditioned. Actually, the routine they did was one that I learned at the clinic a few weeks ago. It was cool to see the choreography we learned and how it was in actual performance.
The guest choreographer for Day 2 was Shane Sparks. He was really cool and I liked the combination that we did. It was very KCD style. Before we broke up into groups to do the routine they made a cut based on the first and second day. Unfortunately I was part of that cut. It came out of no where; truly unexpected. The only regret I have was not being about to audition the dance that we had just learned because I was really ready to rock it :-)
What I've learned from this whole process is that I need experience. The audition allowed me to realize that dancing for a Pro team is something I am definitely interested in doing. From here, I am now looking into other teams in the nearby area. I also would loveeee to audition for the Miami Heat girls or the LA Lakers! That'd be a dream come true! We'll see what happens. I wouldn't mind a vacation to either of those places
The downside to what I've learned from the audition process was another reminder that this is the entertainment industry and so ability is not the sole factor in determining if someone "gets the gig" or not. It's also about "the look." This is where I feel luck takes place. It's great if you have the look and the gig is willing to work with what you have to mold you into the ability that they want. It's unfortunate if you have the ability but you aren't the look they are going for. It's not one way or the other. It's just one way.
Check me out on the main website under the semi-finalists pictures as well as the end of the video titled "Day One" recap!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Got to be startin' something
So, I can officially say that I'm a semi-finalist for the 2009-2010 Knick's City Dancers. I auditioned yesterday and made it through 2 rounds. I'm so beyond excited, I don't even know a word that can describe how I am feeling. I want this so bad and think it would be such a great opportunity!
When I heard about the auditions last year I immediately dismissed it because I thought I wouldn't be good enough. I didn't even go to the class at BDC because I thought it would be too hard. I should not have doubted myself, but that is something that I always do...unfortunately. Anyways, this year I got into the mode of wanted to be a part of a dance team and when the Knick's audition date was released I knew I was going to go for it.
Originally I thought I would just take the Audition Workshop class and then go to the audition. Well, after taking that class I realized that if I really wanted to be on the team I would have to do a lot more to prepare myself. I decided to enroll in the KCD clinic, which was last week, and also restrict myself to only taking jazz and hip hop classes until the audition. I wanted my body to get used to movement that would be similar to the type of dance the KCD girls do. The clinic was by far the best preparation for this audition. Not only did I learn the choreography for the first 2 rounds, I also had a week to prepare before the actual audition. What a great deal!? I couldn't stop thanking them because the clinic is like getting a review sheet for a test you are going to have in school!
One thing the clinic didn't helpt me with was my nerves! I was SO nervous even though I knew what to expect. During the first round, which was an across the floor combination, I was already feeling butterflies in my stomach! After I went across and received my wristband(yes!), the coach told me to be more sharp with my movement. That stuck with me the whole day. I wanted to show her I could take corrections and apply them instantly.
Learning the combination again was a good opportunity for me to focus on details that I didn not notice at the clinic. They went through the dance thoroughly and gave us a good amount of time to get it into our minds. When it was finally my turn to perform, all I could here was the music, my mind thinking "don't be sloppy," and my breath! haha. It felt so internal; it felt like no one was around me and I was going for it.
The hardest part was the wait. I was really nervous. I received good feedback from my friends but I didn't know if the judges felt the same way. When they called the numbers it was out of order so I had no idea if I was going to be called. When I finally heard my number, 908, I wanted to cry. I was so happy; I couldn't even think! Ugh, it felt so good! After that we had pictures and interviews and the day was over.
This happened yesterday; today is the second day of auditions. We are going to be learning a hip hop routine from Shane Sparks! (He's been a judge and choreographer on So You Think You Can Dance). I 'm really excited and of course nervous. I really want to show them that I have what it takes to be a Knicks City Dancer!
When I heard about the auditions last year I immediately dismissed it because I thought I wouldn't be good enough. I didn't even go to the class at BDC because I thought it would be too hard. I should not have doubted myself, but that is something that I always do...unfortunately. Anyways, this year I got into the mode of wanted to be a part of a dance team and when the Knick's audition date was released I knew I was going to go for it.
Originally I thought I would just take the Audition Workshop class and then go to the audition. Well, after taking that class I realized that if I really wanted to be on the team I would have to do a lot more to prepare myself. I decided to enroll in the KCD clinic, which was last week, and also restrict myself to only taking jazz and hip hop classes until the audition. I wanted my body to get used to movement that would be similar to the type of dance the KCD girls do. The clinic was by far the best preparation for this audition. Not only did I learn the choreography for the first 2 rounds, I also had a week to prepare before the actual audition. What a great deal!? I couldn't stop thanking them because the clinic is like getting a review sheet for a test you are going to have in school!
One thing the clinic didn't helpt me with was my nerves! I was SO nervous even though I knew what to expect. During the first round, which was an across the floor combination, I was already feeling butterflies in my stomach! After I went across and received my wristband(yes!), the coach told me to be more sharp with my movement. That stuck with me the whole day. I wanted to show her I could take corrections and apply them instantly.
Learning the combination again was a good opportunity for me to focus on details that I didn not notice at the clinic. They went through the dance thoroughly and gave us a good amount of time to get it into our minds. When it was finally my turn to perform, all I could here was the music, my mind thinking "don't be sloppy," and my breath! haha. It felt so internal; it felt like no one was around me and I was going for it.
The hardest part was the wait. I was really nervous. I received good feedback from my friends but I didn't know if the judges felt the same way. When they called the numbers it was out of order so I had no idea if I was going to be called. When I finally heard my number, 908, I wanted to cry. I was so happy; I couldn't even think! Ugh, it felt so good! After that we had pictures and interviews and the day was over.
This happened yesterday; today is the second day of auditions. We are going to be learning a hip hop routine from Shane Sparks! (He's been a judge and choreographer on So You Think You Can Dance). I 'm really excited and of course nervous. I really want to show them that I have what it takes to be a Knicks City Dancer!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Here's to one of the greats.
RIP Michael Jackson 6/25/09
I don't think there is anyone in the world that can honestly say they have had no connection to Michael Jackson. His legacy extends across all genres of music that interests kids and adults. Yes, it is sad that he is gone at such a young age but I truly believe, after discussing this at work last night, that even if he were 90 yrs old, the world would still grieve. That is how far his legacy extends.
When I try to think of my favorite song, at first I said "Heal the World" but then I thought about the beauty behind the songs like "Man in the Mirror." And then there's the hypnotizing beats of "Bad," "Beat it," "Don't Stop til You Get Enough," and of course "Thriller." But, honestly, the list just continues and then its just brings sadness because you realize how influential he was.
What I'm already enjoying in light of the situation is the coming together of people as the reminisce about Michael Jackson whether through sharing stories or even just putting on his music and dancing. You know how most people are feeling when you hear his songs now. I was in the cab last night with 4 other people and the radio was playing his songs. Without having to say anything, we all knew how each other was feeling. Like L.A. Reid said, "lets turn down the chatting and turn up the music." I love that. I'm hoping for just a few days, or even better, as long as possible that the world comes together because of their love of his music. There's been news coverage of gatherings in LA and NY with people just blasting his music and dancing. What a beautiful image. It represents an absence of all the troubles in the world and personal pains. They are just living in the moment.
Thinking of all his songs makes me wish I learned during the height of his career when he was dominating the charts. How great it would have been to live during that moment that he was creating his legacy. I love all his music and I love that the media is playing it all over the news and radio. With one soundtrack, we all come together. Even if just for a day, I'm glad to experience it.
Here are few quotes I can't help but document:
I don't think there is anyone in the world that can honestly say they have had no connection to Michael Jackson. His legacy extends across all genres of music that interests kids and adults. Yes, it is sad that he is gone at such a young age but I truly believe, after discussing this at work last night, that even if he were 90 yrs old, the world would still grieve. That is how far his legacy extends.
When I try to think of my favorite song, at first I said "Heal the World" but then I thought about the beauty behind the songs like "Man in the Mirror." And then there's the hypnotizing beats of "Bad," "Beat it," "Don't Stop til You Get Enough," and of course "Thriller." But, honestly, the list just continues and then its just brings sadness because you realize how influential he was.
What I'm already enjoying in light of the situation is the coming together of people as the reminisce about Michael Jackson whether through sharing stories or even just putting on his music and dancing. You know how most people are feeling when you hear his songs now. I was in the cab last night with 4 other people and the radio was playing his songs. Without having to say anything, we all knew how each other was feeling. Like L.A. Reid said, "lets turn down the chatting and turn up the music." I love that. I'm hoping for just a few days, or even better, as long as possible that the world comes together because of their love of his music. There's been news coverage of gatherings in LA and NY with people just blasting his music and dancing. What a beautiful image. It represents an absence of all the troubles in the world and personal pains. They are just living in the moment.
Thinking of all his songs makes me wish I learned during the height of his career when he was dominating the charts. How great it would have been to live during that moment that he was creating his legacy. I love all his music and I love that the media is playing it all over the news and radio. With one soundtrack, we all come together. Even if just for a day, I'm glad to experience it.
Here are few quotes I can't help but document:
"He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever."-Quincy Jones
JAMES BROWN 12-25 ♥ AALIYAH 8-25 ♥ LEFT EYE 4-25 ♥ MICHEAL JACKSON 6-25 ♥ (from Kai's facebook status) interesting right?
"Ed Mcmahon passed first this week so he can introduce tonights guest. Ms.Farrah Fawcett w/musical guest Michael Jackson" (Sherri Shephard's twitter)
So sad. He may be gone physically, but his spirit is alive through his musicSaturday, May 23, 2009
Next stop, the real world
Well, this was what my blog was for and now it's finally here. I've officially graduated from Marymount Manhattan College with a BA in Communications! Yesterday I attended the Baccalaureate and Graduation Ceremony and received my "diploma." It's not really a diploma but actually just the cover with a note that says in 90 days I will receive my actually documentation proving my graduation. It was even more exciting to have my family and friends there with me to witness such a big event.
As much as this is a monumental moment, I've been very relaxed. Graduating doesn't come as a surprise but actually a natural progression. The timing is right. I was able to transfer and still graduate on time and I'm really happy about that; that was something that was really important to me.
I just realized that I must comment on the speakers who addressed our graduating class. Aside from teachers we also had honorees such as Carla Harris and one of the heads of Channel 13, can't remember his name. They, in addition to our valevictorian and guest speaker were so motivational. All of them stressed the importance of making a difference in the world and how we had the power to do so. After hearing that so much I began to believe that that is possible and attainable given the success of the speakers. I feel like I hear all the time that we have the power to change but I don't usually listen to it enough to actually believe it. I left the graduation feeling really motivated to go after my dreams and enjoy my life. I guess because this is truly the moment in life where change occurs that I feel I have the ability to "make it happen." I'm ready. I don't want to look back and say that I didn't get to do a laundry list of things; now is the time.
This last week has also marked an end to seeing many of my closest friends because of both graduations and the end of the Ailey school year. Some of my friends are flying home to their prospective countries with no current intent on returning to America besides a vacation in the future. It's sad because aside from being friends with them, many were subjects in my senior thesis that focused on International Dancers and their journey to America for dance education and training. I became so much closer with them as I learned about their various backgrounds and individual journey's to America for the same goal; to dance. They've each inspired me to look into traveling and seeing the world from a different perspective.
So in addition to graduation fesitivities and getting ready for a family/friends BBQ at my home on LI, this morning I attended the In the Heights workshop at BDC with assistant latin choreographer Luis Salgado. I went last month right after I had seen the show and didn't want to pass the opportunity to attend again. This time my friend Rie came with me. It was even MORE fun than the last time. We learned the opening number from In The Heights.
I appreciate the opportunity to get an insight into a Broadway show and that's what Luis gave us. He didn't just teach us the choreography but actually worked more on giving us an understanding of the characters within the show and what they are fighting for. It was the message behind the movement. I really enjoyed myself so much. Once again its that atmosphere that helps me enjoy myself. Initially it is intimidating to be in the presence of someone who is a sucessful performer but Luis's casual, "Lets Have Fun" approach really helps you relax and just pay attention to enjoying what you are doing in that moment. I'm glad I went.
Now, I'm back on Long Island getting ready for my graduation BBQ tomorrow as my parents frantically try to find a party tent in the event that it rains.
Picture post soon!
As much as this is a monumental moment, I've been very relaxed. Graduating doesn't come as a surprise but actually a natural progression. The timing is right. I was able to transfer and still graduate on time and I'm really happy about that; that was something that was really important to me.
I just realized that I must comment on the speakers who addressed our graduating class. Aside from teachers we also had honorees such as Carla Harris and one of the heads of Channel 13, can't remember his name. They, in addition to our valevictorian and guest speaker were so motivational. All of them stressed the importance of making a difference in the world and how we had the power to do so. After hearing that so much I began to believe that that is possible and attainable given the success of the speakers. I feel like I hear all the time that we have the power to change but I don't usually listen to it enough to actually believe it. I left the graduation feeling really motivated to go after my dreams and enjoy my life. I guess because this is truly the moment in life where change occurs that I feel I have the ability to "make it happen." I'm ready. I don't want to look back and say that I didn't get to do a laundry list of things; now is the time.
This last week has also marked an end to seeing many of my closest friends because of both graduations and the end of the Ailey school year. Some of my friends are flying home to their prospective countries with no current intent on returning to America besides a vacation in the future. It's sad because aside from being friends with them, many were subjects in my senior thesis that focused on International Dancers and their journey to America for dance education and training. I became so much closer with them as I learned about their various backgrounds and individual journey's to America for the same goal; to dance. They've each inspired me to look into traveling and seeing the world from a different perspective.
So in addition to graduation fesitivities and getting ready for a family/friends BBQ at my home on LI, this morning I attended the In the Heights workshop at BDC with assistant latin choreographer Luis Salgado. I went last month right after I had seen the show and didn't want to pass the opportunity to attend again. This time my friend Rie came with me. It was even MORE fun than the last time. We learned the opening number from In The Heights.
I appreciate the opportunity to get an insight into a Broadway show and that's what Luis gave us. He didn't just teach us the choreography but actually worked more on giving us an understanding of the characters within the show and what they are fighting for. It was the message behind the movement. I really enjoyed myself so much. Once again its that atmosphere that helps me enjoy myself. Initially it is intimidating to be in the presence of someone who is a sucessful performer but Luis's casual, "Lets Have Fun" approach really helps you relax and just pay attention to enjoying what you are doing in that moment. I'm glad I went.
Now, I'm back on Long Island getting ready for my graduation BBQ tomorrow as my parents frantically try to find a party tent in the event that it rains.
Picture post soon!
All The Way
I'm going to have to make 2 entries because I have so many things to talk about but don't want to put it all in one post.
Rewind a few weeks:
Following the Radio City call, the following Monday I went to the Norwegian Cruise Line audition. I wasn't too nervous beforehand. Lately, when I got to auditions I'm usually calm before hand; it's dependent on the atmosphere at the audition of whether or not I will be nervous. From the moment I stepped into the studio I knew I was going to have fun. The choreographer was incredibly high spirited and it felt as if he was most interested in us enjoying ourselves and getting into the movement. I loved that. I felt like I was on a team again and our coach was getting us ready for competition.
The combination brought flashbacks to dance teams in the past because of the speed and precision of the movement. My body had to basically wake itself up and remind itself how to move in that manner. Once I started to understand the movement, I really got into it. It was a lot of fun and not THAT many people. That was most shocking to me but maybe that was due in part to the fact that there were 2 days of auditions and you were only needed at one. I want to say there were about 50people there. Of course we were packed in the room but I didn't mind for the most part.
We did the combination a lot and only a few with music since we kept messing it up with our thumping feet when we lept!...leaped?..whatever. But the choreographer was so into it that he just made his own beats and that was awesome.
After splitting into groups a few times, we auditioned, I forget, maybe 4 at a time. I felt pretty good about the combination for the most part but I used facials (that is a shocker for me; I've been working on that!) to help add to the movement. Thankfully, I made it past the first cut. I think there were about 15-20 of us after the cut and we immediately moved on.
Another "thanks" is needed because THANKFULLY, I've been taking tap at Ailey and low and behold the next part was just a quick tap combo, in jazz shoes, to see if we could imitate it. I did pretty well. I loved it! I was so happy because a few of the auditions I've been to have had tap elements in them and I've been able to hold my own. Yay! After the tap we did the combination again and then split into trios and danced on camera. We also went through the whole "say your name, where you are from, etc" schpeel(sp?)
Once we finished they gave us the rundown of life on the ship and the next process before getting on the ship. Everyone was so nice and it was such a comfortable atmosphere; it felt like we were our own little cast already. I had a great time!
Moving up to last week, I got to see West Side Story! Thank you Danielle! I was soo soo happy because I wanted to see it so bad. I absolutely loved every minute of it. It was very sad though but I appreciate the artistic ending even past the curtain call with the somberness that occured onstage.
I loved the choreography and exactness each dancer has with their movement. They were all incredibly sync; and from what I've heard about the choreographer, its no surprise. They looked great. And, can we please talk about the amazingness that is Karen Olivo. I really hope she gets the Tony Award! I've seen her progress so much from BKLYN to In the Heights to West Side Story. She is truly making a name for herself on Broadway.
And now on to the next post....
Rewind a few weeks:
Following the Radio City call, the following Monday I went to the Norwegian Cruise Line audition. I wasn't too nervous beforehand. Lately, when I got to auditions I'm usually calm before hand; it's dependent on the atmosphere at the audition of whether or not I will be nervous. From the moment I stepped into the studio I knew I was going to have fun. The choreographer was incredibly high spirited and it felt as if he was most interested in us enjoying ourselves and getting into the movement. I loved that. I felt like I was on a team again and our coach was getting us ready for competition.
The combination brought flashbacks to dance teams in the past because of the speed and precision of the movement. My body had to basically wake itself up and remind itself how to move in that manner. Once I started to understand the movement, I really got into it. It was a lot of fun and not THAT many people. That was most shocking to me but maybe that was due in part to the fact that there were 2 days of auditions and you were only needed at one. I want to say there were about 50people there. Of course we were packed in the room but I didn't mind for the most part.
We did the combination a lot and only a few with music since we kept messing it up with our thumping feet when we lept!...leaped?..whatever. But the choreographer was so into it that he just made his own beats and that was awesome.
After splitting into groups a few times, we auditioned, I forget, maybe 4 at a time. I felt pretty good about the combination for the most part but I used facials (that is a shocker for me; I've been working on that!) to help add to the movement. Thankfully, I made it past the first cut. I think there were about 15-20 of us after the cut and we immediately moved on.
Another "thanks" is needed because THANKFULLY, I've been taking tap at Ailey and low and behold the next part was just a quick tap combo, in jazz shoes, to see if we could imitate it. I did pretty well. I loved it! I was so happy because a few of the auditions I've been to have had tap elements in them and I've been able to hold my own. Yay! After the tap we did the combination again and then split into trios and danced on camera. We also went through the whole "say your name, where you are from, etc" schpeel(sp?)
Once we finished they gave us the rundown of life on the ship and the next process before getting on the ship. Everyone was so nice and it was such a comfortable atmosphere; it felt like we were our own little cast already. I had a great time!
Moving up to last week, I got to see West Side Story! Thank you Danielle! I was soo soo happy because I wanted to see it so bad. I absolutely loved every minute of it. It was very sad though but I appreciate the artistic ending even past the curtain call with the somberness that occured onstage.
I loved the choreography and exactness each dancer has with their movement. They were all incredibly sync; and from what I've heard about the choreographer, its no surprise. They looked great. And, can we please talk about the amazingness that is Karen Olivo. I really hope she gets the Tony Award! I've seen her progress so much from BKLYN to In the Heights to West Side Story. She is truly making a name for herself on Broadway.
And now on to the next post....
Monday, May 4, 2009
Filling my heart with Christmas.
Yesterday I saw Shrek and before I get into todays events, I must write briefly about it. After much thought, I would give the show a 2 1/2 borderline 3 stars. There were some really high points, such as the overly fantastic sets/scene designs and technological aspects. The really lows were the content. I kept having to change my thoughts between viewing the show as a kids show and then switching to viewing it as an adult show. Both are incredibly different and that it the source for one of the main problems with this musical. It cannot differentiate its target audience.
In terms of the actors. I just loved Christopher Seiber(sp?) and Daniel Breaker who play Lord Farquarrd(sp?) and Donkey, respectively. They really helped keep the show alive for me. While Sutton Foster was good at some point she wasn't consistent, neither was Shrek (pardon my ignorance for not knowing his real name). For Shrek, I wanted a more Shuler Hensley-type person to play the part. Someone with a more deeper louder voice. This guy had a great singing voice but he sounded very American Idol and it's hard to invision that when he is supposed to be an ogre.
What I did love was the tap scene; of course. That was probably one of the best moments of the show in addition the the Three Blind Mice. That part was hilarious/offensive. I was dying with laughter. I also really liked seeing all the fairy tale characters but for some reason aside from enjoying their costumes, they weren't memorable.
I still haven't decided yet whether or not I truly enjoyed the show. I'm on the fence. I will admit, however, that it was very cute. But, content-wise, not so much.
Today was the audition for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. My friend and I got up bright and early to attend the audition and ended up running into several familiar faces while we were there.
We were in the second group and were lucky enough to get out of the rain after maybe only a 30 minute wait. But, when we were in the waiting rooms we were there for at least an hour and a half. When we finally went, the first thing I thought about was that this was going to be a different experience then any audition I had been to in the past. I knew that precision was key so I tried to focus on the details when they were teaching. We learned a short combo from which, judging by the music and my memory of the show, seemed like it was the finale piece but I could be wrong. It had a very "wish on a star-dream big" kind of feel. After we learned the combo we were split into three groups. Everything went very fast and before I knew it I was told to go to the holding room until further notice. Both me and my friend and a few other people I know made it past first cut.
We waited around for I'm guessing another hour and a half or 2 hours for all the other groups to finish before heading back in for the 2nd cut. This time we learned a combo that preceeded the first combo. This time we were with everyone including agva members which I am assuming some or many were from past seasons. I watched them as they moved taking note of what movements they accented and what they suspended. I eventually went and thought I did decently but when the names were called, mine wasn't one of them. But, my friends was! I was so happy for her because I knew that ballet/pointe was next and she would surely rock it! She has a call back tomorrow and I can't wait to hear how it goes. Of course I'm bummed I didn't make it to the tuesday call back but this was an experience that I had been waiting for since who knows when so to finally be able to audition was enough to last me for quite a while ;-) I'm proud once again that I am clearly progessing seeing as I am able to get past first cuts. My goal now is to get even further....oh and to learn to dance in character heels! I'm so happy they were open to non-character shoes because I really didn't want my first time in character heels to be for an audition...
until the next one.
In terms of the actors. I just loved Christopher Seiber(sp?) and Daniel Breaker who play Lord Farquarrd(sp?) and Donkey, respectively. They really helped keep the show alive for me. While Sutton Foster was good at some point she wasn't consistent, neither was Shrek (pardon my ignorance for not knowing his real name). For Shrek, I wanted a more Shuler Hensley-type person to play the part. Someone with a more deeper louder voice. This guy had a great singing voice but he sounded very American Idol and it's hard to invision that when he is supposed to be an ogre.
What I did love was the tap scene; of course. That was probably one of the best moments of the show in addition the the Three Blind Mice. That part was hilarious/offensive. I was dying with laughter. I also really liked seeing all the fairy tale characters but for some reason aside from enjoying their costumes, they weren't memorable.
I still haven't decided yet whether or not I truly enjoyed the show. I'm on the fence. I will admit, however, that it was very cute. But, content-wise, not so much.
Today was the audition for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. My friend and I got up bright and early to attend the audition and ended up running into several familiar faces while we were there.
We were in the second group and were lucky enough to get out of the rain after maybe only a 30 minute wait. But, when we were in the waiting rooms we were there for at least an hour and a half. When we finally went, the first thing I thought about was that this was going to be a different experience then any audition I had been to in the past. I knew that precision was key so I tried to focus on the details when they were teaching. We learned a short combo from which, judging by the music and my memory of the show, seemed like it was the finale piece but I could be wrong. It had a very "wish on a star-dream big" kind of feel. After we learned the combo we were split into three groups. Everything went very fast and before I knew it I was told to go to the holding room until further notice. Both me and my friend and a few other people I know made it past first cut.
We waited around for I'm guessing another hour and a half or 2 hours for all the other groups to finish before heading back in for the 2nd cut. This time we learned a combo that preceeded the first combo. This time we were with everyone including agva members which I am assuming some or many were from past seasons. I watched them as they moved taking note of what movements they accented and what they suspended. I eventually went and thought I did decently but when the names were called, mine wasn't one of them. But, my friends was! I was so happy for her because I knew that ballet/pointe was next and she would surely rock it! She has a call back tomorrow and I can't wait to hear how it goes. Of course I'm bummed I didn't make it to the tuesday call back but this was an experience that I had been waiting for since who knows when so to finally be able to audition was enough to last me for quite a while ;-) I'm proud once again that I am clearly progessing seeing as I am able to get past first cuts. My goal now is to get even further....oh and to learn to dance in character heels! I'm so happy they were open to non-character shoes because I really didn't want my first time in character heels to be for an audition...
until the next one.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My First Callback
While it is still fresh in my mind, I need to talk about today's audition. I auditioned for the Norwegian Cruise Line today at Ripley Grier. I love those studios so much more than Chelsea. Yea Chelsea Studios is nicer in terms of the actual studio, but the atmosphere at Ripley Grier is nicer.
I believe we were auditioning for a specific show and the choreographer was Patricia Wilcox. Now immediately when she said this, I recognized her name but didn't know from where. It bugged me all day and I finally goggled her and realized she teaches at Steps. I knew I knew her name from somewhere. I loved her choreography so I plan on taking her at some point.
Anyways...what was different from my usual auditions was that I was incredibly calm. I was in the second group, number 39, and was pretty relaxed throughout. Even when the first group was going and girls were peaking in and discussing the combo, I chose to ignore it and just wait for my turn. I think I really loved this combo because it was more of jazz dance that felt like modern dance. Her images were basically describing us as getting ready to pounce and that was just what the choreography was like. It was very animalistic and empowering. I loved it. While we were doing the choreography she sought me out and commented that I should watch my focus at this one part. I kept that in mind and combined with a love of the choreography and no nerves, I got a callback. I couldn't believe it. But really what I couldn't believe was the still calm demeanor I had. I thought if I ever got a call back I would scream or jump up and down but no I just accepted what was said and thought about the next task.
I'm happy that I finally reached the next level. It's a confidence booster. I've been to a handful of auditions but never been able to get over that hump, the callback. Finally being able to do so was rewarding in and of itself. Well, I still had other things to do so I went to school and then went to the callback at 4pm. This time it was weird. We went over the same combo that we had done before and then did it again for them. It was really surprising because other people commented that usually you do something different. Now after this one I didn't get the second callback. Maybe I wasn't what the were looking for but I was so happy that I was actually in an environment that I enjoyed. I wasn't nervous or worried about what was going to happen, I just went with the flow.
I hope I have more auditions like that because they are reassuring. To me, it's not about the fact that I didn't get past the 2nd callback, I got past the first and as of now that's what I'm working on.
I believe we were auditioning for a specific show and the choreographer was Patricia Wilcox. Now immediately when she said this, I recognized her name but didn't know from where. It bugged me all day and I finally goggled her and realized she teaches at Steps. I knew I knew her name from somewhere. I loved her choreography so I plan on taking her at some point.
Anyways...what was different from my usual auditions was that I was incredibly calm. I was in the second group, number 39, and was pretty relaxed throughout. Even when the first group was going and girls were peaking in and discussing the combo, I chose to ignore it and just wait for my turn. I think I really loved this combo because it was more of jazz dance that felt like modern dance. Her images were basically describing us as getting ready to pounce and that was just what the choreography was like. It was very animalistic and empowering. I loved it. While we were doing the choreography she sought me out and commented that I should watch my focus at this one part. I kept that in mind and combined with a love of the choreography and no nerves, I got a callback. I couldn't believe it. But really what I couldn't believe was the still calm demeanor I had. I thought if I ever got a call back I would scream or jump up and down but no I just accepted what was said and thought about the next task.
I'm happy that I finally reached the next level. It's a confidence booster. I've been to a handful of auditions but never been able to get over that hump, the callback. Finally being able to do so was rewarding in and of itself. Well, I still had other things to do so I went to school and then went to the callback at 4pm. This time it was weird. We went over the same combo that we had done before and then did it again for them. It was really surprising because other people commented that usually you do something different. Now after this one I didn't get the second callback. Maybe I wasn't what the were looking for but I was so happy that I was actually in an environment that I enjoyed. I wasn't nervous or worried about what was going to happen, I just went with the flow.
I hope I have more auditions like that because they are reassuring. To me, it's not about the fact that I didn't get past the 2nd callback, I got past the first and as of now that's what I'm working on.
Bloc-ed from Being Seen
I have a lot to update on but I'm going to go in order. Last week was my Spring Break and I planned on using it to figure out what I was going to be doing with my life, corporate wise. Meaning...getting my resume and cover letter ready to send out to different companies. That didn't really work out. I did look for places and set up a temp agency profile(which for some reason isn't activating right...) but I was still on my "I love to dance" high that I focused more on finding auditions to go to rather then focus on those "office jobs." That's a problem because I have less then 2 months til graduation!
Well..I can't change the past so lets jump to Saturday. Oh, Saturday..what a crazy day. I woke up really early and took an In the Heights workshop/random open class, I really don't know what to call it, at BDC. Luis Salgado taught and it was great. I originally felt out of my element having had no prior training in Latin dance but the more he talked about letting go and having fun, the more I was able to actually do so. What a great class it was! We learned part of the "Club" scene. Latin dance is no joke; it is by no means easy. We even did a little partnering section near the end. I had a lot of fun. I definitely plan on expanding my versatility and jumping on the Latin bandwagon. Luis spoke about dance classes from Eddy Torres that are offered in the city. I looked it up and once I end school I will be able to test out the beginner classes. Before that, though, I plan on trying the Latin Jazz at BDC with Maria Torres.
After a great class at BDC, I headed over to Ailey to audition for Bloc Talent Agency. There is so much to say about this day, I don't know where to begin. From the outside some might say it was a complete waste of time but from the things that happened to me I can say that I'm really satisified with how things turned out.
First of all. No matter what anyone says, maybe because I'm a newbie in the business, typecasting sucks. Yea you get out early and aren't misled to thinking you have a shot but, unlike what the coordinator said, IT IS personal..and you do feel bad, lol. The morning audition was for contemporary/musical theater dancers and there were A LOT. We all packed into LLC and were broken into groups to be typecasted. It felt more like a model call then a dance call. When my group went, we stood in 2 lines while they pointed and commented on us(with music blasting which wasn't for dancing but to cover their voices). It was awkward for me because it was unclear whether or not we should smile and acknowledge them or just stand there. Well, needless to say I was typecasted out aka CUT. It was such a surreal feeling because you intially think, "thats it?!?!" I almost would have rathered stayed the whole way thru and actually danced and then got cut. I didn't even move for them. That's the tough part when you are a DANCER. Well, after encouragement from friends I decided to wait around for the hip hop call. Now, I wouldn't call myself a hiphop dancer but I figured maybe I had the look for that one.
I'm really happy I stayed through the madness and long lines for that one because I would have never hung out with my friend Daniel and his friend Corey who was with his friend Tamikko. (did that all make sense). Well I would describe both Corey and Tamikko as veterans slash the know more about the business then newbies. I learned so much about the business from them, specifically Tamikko. From the moment she started talking, I immediately thought in my head that she would be a great person to interview. She's an undeground freestyler who is single-handedly fusing the world of touring and clubbing. Yes, I had to ask her to define both because I had NO idea what she was talking about. From our conversation, she sounds like a beginner legend. She's worked with so many people in the industry and has her own group of girls that she books for gigs. The only thing she is lacking is an agent...which is why she was at the audition.
One of the reasons I was so interested in her story was because, in terms of dance, we are complete opposites. She admitted her weakness was learning choreography and my weakness, that I think EVERYONE knows, is that I cannot improv/freestyle. Her claim to fame is freestyle. The part of our conversation that I can never forget is her talking about how she doesn't understand how people can just reproduce choreography that was just given to them. My response was that I don't understand how someone can turn on music and she can just start moving. I don't know, it was just a really cool conversation. I learned so much. I'm trying to figure out if I will write my final freelance article on her because it was such a fascinating experience.
Back to Bloc. They hiphop call was ridiculous there were like 1000 people there and then told us around 4:30pm, when it was supposed to start, to come back in an hour because they weren't ready. When we came back there was a line outside of Ailey and then were basically hurding us like cattle to walk up to the 6th floor to get looked at and then walk all the way down if we were cut. Well, I was type casting again. Lol...all I can do is laugh because after the entire day it wasn't worth sulking over. I get that that's just the way the business works but jeez it's annoying. I will still apply to them and other agencies because it's just something that can be an asset for dancers looking for dance and commerical work.
Looking back, I'm glad I went to the audition because I was able to get a glimpse of the industry and the competition. Like most people say there will be a thousand No's to the very few Yes's. All I can do is work on my craft and try to increase those Yes's.
Well..I can't change the past so lets jump to Saturday. Oh, Saturday..what a crazy day. I woke up really early and took an In the Heights workshop/random open class, I really don't know what to call it, at BDC. Luis Salgado taught and it was great. I originally felt out of my element having had no prior training in Latin dance but the more he talked about letting go and having fun, the more I was able to actually do so. What a great class it was! We learned part of the "Club" scene. Latin dance is no joke; it is by no means easy. We even did a little partnering section near the end. I had a lot of fun. I definitely plan on expanding my versatility and jumping on the Latin bandwagon. Luis spoke about dance classes from Eddy Torres that are offered in the city. I looked it up and once I end school I will be able to test out the beginner classes. Before that, though, I plan on trying the Latin Jazz at BDC with Maria Torres.
After a great class at BDC, I headed over to Ailey to audition for Bloc Talent Agency. There is so much to say about this day, I don't know where to begin. From the outside some might say it was a complete waste of time but from the things that happened to me I can say that I'm really satisified with how things turned out.
First of all. No matter what anyone says, maybe because I'm a newbie in the business, typecasting sucks. Yea you get out early and aren't misled to thinking you have a shot but, unlike what the coordinator said, IT IS personal..and you do feel bad, lol. The morning audition was for contemporary/musical theater dancers and there were A LOT. We all packed into LLC and were broken into groups to be typecasted. It felt more like a model call then a dance call. When my group went, we stood in 2 lines while they pointed and commented on us(with music blasting which wasn't for dancing but to cover their voices). It was awkward for me because it was unclear whether or not we should smile and acknowledge them or just stand there. Well, needless to say I was typecasted out aka CUT. It was such a surreal feeling because you intially think, "thats it?!?!" I almost would have rathered stayed the whole way thru and actually danced and then got cut. I didn't even move for them. That's the tough part when you are a DANCER. Well, after encouragement from friends I decided to wait around for the hip hop call. Now, I wouldn't call myself a hiphop dancer but I figured maybe I had the look for that one.
I'm really happy I stayed through the madness and long lines for that one because I would have never hung out with my friend Daniel and his friend Corey who was with his friend Tamikko. (did that all make sense). Well I would describe both Corey and Tamikko as veterans slash the know more about the business then newbies. I learned so much about the business from them, specifically Tamikko. From the moment she started talking, I immediately thought in my head that she would be a great person to interview. She's an undeground freestyler who is single-handedly fusing the world of touring and clubbing. Yes, I had to ask her to define both because I had NO idea what she was talking about. From our conversation, she sounds like a beginner legend. She's worked with so many people in the industry and has her own group of girls that she books for gigs. The only thing she is lacking is an agent...which is why she was at the audition.
One of the reasons I was so interested in her story was because, in terms of dance, we are complete opposites. She admitted her weakness was learning choreography and my weakness, that I think EVERYONE knows, is that I cannot improv/freestyle. Her claim to fame is freestyle. The part of our conversation that I can never forget is her talking about how she doesn't understand how people can just reproduce choreography that was just given to them. My response was that I don't understand how someone can turn on music and she can just start moving. I don't know, it was just a really cool conversation. I learned so much. I'm trying to figure out if I will write my final freelance article on her because it was such a fascinating experience.
Back to Bloc. They hiphop call was ridiculous there were like 1000 people there and then told us around 4:30pm, when it was supposed to start, to come back in an hour because they weren't ready. When we came back there was a line outside of Ailey and then were basically hurding us like cattle to walk up to the 6th floor to get looked at and then walk all the way down if we were cut. Well, I was type casting again. Lol...all I can do is laugh because after the entire day it wasn't worth sulking over. I get that that's just the way the business works but jeez it's annoying. I will still apply to them and other agencies because it's just something that can be an asset for dancers looking for dance and commerical work.
Looking back, I'm glad I went to the audition because I was able to get a glimpse of the industry and the competition. Like most people say there will be a thousand No's to the very few Yes's. All I can do is work on my craft and try to increase those Yes's.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
In the Heights
As promised, below is my review of In the Heights:

Either I haven't been around good theater lately or In the Heights is one of kind. I can honestly say that it has been a REALLY long time since I have completely enjoyed a musical from start to finish. Everyone has been encouraging me to see this musical since its conception and, for more than a year, the stars hadn't aligned; until tonight. I enjoyed every minute of it and I must say that part of it was thanks in part to the successful flow that remained throughout the show. I was never bored or wondering what the next scene was. This musical kept me wanting more by balancing their slow song sections with the high energy ones.
One thing that really stood out about the musical was the versatility. Of course the musical is deeply rooted in the Hispanic culture but the storyline touches on a variety of socio-economic issues that are not culture specific such as education and economic survival. Maybe it's because I am a college student that is, A) about to graduate and B) at one point had to reevaluate my college experience in order to come to the conclusion that I would need to transfer. Although the story lines don't match perfectly, they both parallel each other and provided a connection between me and the musical.
Another element of versatility was in the dancing. Thank you Andy Blankenbuehler and Luis Salgado(Latin dance choreography) for the combination of hip hop, jazz, latin, AND contemporary. I loved seeing such different types of movement fused together in one show. Now I understand why the audition postings always recommend that you see the show before auditioning. I'm almost happy that I have, in the past, been unable to attend the audition. I learned so much about the show and casting while watching it. It is truly unlike any other musical.
Overall, I can honestly say that I left the theater wanting more and now have the songs of In the Heights imprinted in my brain. Boy can those singers SING! Forgot to mention this before, the strength of the entire cast is another asset. Aside from the great ensemble, the principles are breathtaking between their singing and acting. Ugh, I just loved every minute of it.
If there's one show that really made me want to jump up on stage, its In the Heights. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. With so much versatility, everyone is bound to love at least one, if not all aspects of the show.
Either I haven't been around good theater lately or In the Heights is one of kind. I can honestly say that it has been a REALLY long time since I have completely enjoyed a musical from start to finish. Everyone has been encouraging me to see this musical since its conception and, for more than a year, the stars hadn't aligned; until tonight. I enjoyed every minute of it and I must say that part of it was thanks in part to the successful flow that remained throughout the show. I was never bored or wondering what the next scene was. This musical kept me wanting more by balancing their slow song sections with the high energy ones.
One thing that really stood out about the musical was the versatility. Of course the musical is deeply rooted in the Hispanic culture but the storyline touches on a variety of socio-economic issues that are not culture specific such as education and economic survival. Maybe it's because I am a college student that is, A) about to graduate and B) at one point had to reevaluate my college experience in order to come to the conclusion that I would need to transfer. Although the story lines don't match perfectly, they both parallel each other and provided a connection between me and the musical.
Another element of versatility was in the dancing. Thank you Andy Blankenbuehler and Luis Salgado(Latin dance choreography) for the combination of hip hop, jazz, latin, AND contemporary. I loved seeing such different types of movement fused together in one show. Now I understand why the audition postings always recommend that you see the show before auditioning. I'm almost happy that I have, in the past, been unable to attend the audition. I learned so much about the show and casting while watching it. It is truly unlike any other musical.
Overall, I can honestly say that I left the theater wanting more and now have the songs of In the Heights imprinted in my brain. Boy can those singers SING! Forgot to mention this before, the strength of the entire cast is another asset. Aside from the great ensemble, the principles are breathtaking between their singing and acting. Ugh, I just loved every minute of it.
If there's one show that really made me want to jump up on stage, its In the Heights. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. With so much versatility, everyone is bound to love at least one, if not all aspects of the show.
Starting Over
I'm going to try this again and actually attempt to post on a frequent basis. Right now I'm on Spring Break and, although I planned to do work every day, I'm finding it hard to actually get my work started. I have so much to do and so much to think about that my mind is on overload.
Today I'm going to see In The Heights with my mom and sister. I had been dying to see this since it opened but never had the courage to ask one of the "connections" I had if he could get me tickets. I always feel weird in those situations becuase I don't want the person to think I'm using them. Well it doesn't matter now since my mom ended up getting the tickets. I'm really excited to see this because I want to eventually audition for this show and they do recommend you see it first.
On the topics of auditions, I have gone to some but not all that I could be. It's April and I have no offical plans after graduation which isn't good. SO, I'm literally going to start putting the wheels in motion and getting my face out there. If I want to dance, I'm going to have to go out there and get it. That being said I'm going to my first agent audition on Saturday...along with everyone and their mother. Yes, that discourages me that there will be so many people but I'm gonna try and look past that because that is the very thing that intimidates me and prevents me from getting to the next level.
Considering this the beginning of a new start, I'm not going to harp on the past. ....well, TRY not to harp on the past. I will post my thoughts on In The Heights sometime tonight or tomorrow. I hope I enjoy it! The only reason I say that is because of certain other popular show that I saw and did not enjoy as much as I thought I would. I may be the only person on the planet that did not greatly enjoy Billy Elliott. It was good; I won't deny that but I was so disconnected from it. The best way I can describe it? To me, it felt like a movie on stage. Now that's neither a good or bad thing. The problem I had was calling it a musical. Yes there are songs and there is dancing but it felt more like a play to me. The music wasn't memorable or something that I'd want to buy and hear later on(being a merchandise sellar made me wonder how on earth they would be able to sell that CD). I really enjoyed the movie and I think if I was intending on seeing a play I would've really enjoyed it. But, I intended on seeing the typical happy-go-lucky, bright lights type musical. I will say though that because it seems to be a musical in its own category, I will applaud its attempt at a "new" definition of a musical. Sure fooled me.
Today I'm going to see In The Heights with my mom and sister. I had been dying to see this since it opened but never had the courage to ask one of the "connections" I had if he could get me tickets. I always feel weird in those situations becuase I don't want the person to think I'm using them. Well it doesn't matter now since my mom ended up getting the tickets. I'm really excited to see this because I want to eventually audition for this show and they do recommend you see it first.
On the topics of auditions, I have gone to some but not all that I could be. It's April and I have no offical plans after graduation which isn't good. SO, I'm literally going to start putting the wheels in motion and getting my face out there. If I want to dance, I'm going to have to go out there and get it. That being said I'm going to my first agent audition on Saturday...along with everyone and their mother. Yes, that discourages me that there will be so many people but I'm gonna try and look past that because that is the very thing that intimidates me and prevents me from getting to the next level.
Considering this the beginning of a new start, I'm not going to harp on the past. ....well, TRY not to harp on the past. I will post my thoughts on In The Heights sometime tonight or tomorrow. I hope I enjoy it! The only reason I say that is because of certain other popular show that I saw and did not enjoy as much as I thought I would. I may be the only person on the planet that did not greatly enjoy Billy Elliott. It was good; I won't deny that but I was so disconnected from it. The best way I can describe it? To me, it felt like a movie on stage. Now that's neither a good or bad thing. The problem I had was calling it a musical. Yes there are songs and there is dancing but it felt more like a play to me. The music wasn't memorable or something that I'd want to buy and hear later on(being a merchandise sellar made me wonder how on earth they would be able to sell that CD). I really enjoyed the movie and I think if I was intending on seeing a play I would've really enjoyed it. But, I intended on seeing the typical happy-go-lucky, bright lights type musical. I will say though that because it seems to be a musical in its own category, I will applaud its attempt at a "new" definition of a musical. Sure fooled me.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I will in fact be updating more frequently starting today...I hope.
Topics I need to discuss:
my internship
school life
personal life
So much has happened and I need to keep up with this. I did say that I was supposed to document my senior year right? Yea, I'm going to need to stay true to my word!
Topics I need to discuss:
my internship
school life
personal life
So much has happened and I need to keep up with this. I did say that I was supposed to document my senior year right? Yea, I'm going to need to stay true to my word!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Accepted, Rejected, or Waitlisted
I keep telling myself to update, but then I stop myself. Not because I don't want to blog but because I don't think I have time to take a moment for myself. I do. I'm going to try and recap but who knows how far that will go.
One thing that has really stuck with me for the past couple of weeks is something that a friend said to me. Every week when I'm catching up on life with my friend she will ask me, "so what's new, how was your week." And, everytime without thinking twice I will say, "nothing exciting." Recently, she asked me why I always say that whether it's true or not. My response was something along the lines of the fact that nothing really exciting is going on or that my definition of exciting is when something "amazing" happens to me. I'm literally still baffled by the question. This happened probably a month ago and I can't stop thinking about it. Why do I sell myself short? It's so easy for me to say that nothing is going on when really a whole lot has been happening. This one little comment has sent me towards a huge self-evaluation. I catch myself now when I get ready to say the same line if someone asks me how my life is. I have come to the realization that exciting things have happened to me but they just come in different forms. Instead of living like the glass is half full, I'm going to attempt to do the opposite and actually be happy for the little moments. If I continue to override these moments carelessly, I am basically overriding my life.
Aside from that haunting experience, things have been going fairly well (see I'm already trying to be positive). In terms of dance, I've solidified my spring schedule and have been going on auditions non-stop every Sunday for the entire month of February. I did it for the experience and so far all of them have been worth mentioning, no matter how good or bad they went. I'm finding out a lot about myself and, depending on the way I view it, these auditions have been life lessons. My first audition for Lines Contemporary Ballet's summer intensive was really exciting. From here I learned how much I would have loved their program. The audition made me enjoy ballet and just created such a good environment. I wasn't nervous or anxious but rather calm and able to enjoy the "class." The result was being waitlisted which I have come to take positively considering the, in my opinion, prestige-ness(I've created a new word) of the program.
Another exciting experience was taking a masterclass with Desmond Richardson of Complexions Ballet. This was an eye-opener as well because I came to realize again my love for this "new age" of ballet. I'm all for tradition but these contemporary barre techniques are teaching me so much. They are still rooted in tradition exercise but they take ballet to the next level for me. The choreography was great too. Personally, though, I felt I could have done better. I don't want to blame it on lack of food or being tired but near the end I wasn't as focused as I could have been. BUT, I will say that I was probably the most stretched out I had been in awhile from that barre warmup.
With all good moments, there always comes a bad audition right? Well...thats what happened when I went to LydiaJohnson. This was my first company audition and I really have no idea what happened but boy was I given a hard reality check after it. Everything started out fine and almost too "perfect" before I actually went to the audition. I was able to stretch and warm myself up before the audition. It felt like they stars aligned until I got into the room. Once we started learning the choreography, which wasn't difficult, I just wasn't connecting. I was trying to learn it and thought I had it, but I didn't. After going over it once or twice we started doing it in groups. Well I enventually went and it was probably my worst experience ever. I couldn't turn, the floor felt so slippery; I couldn't fully do the choreography as taught either. I was really surprised at myself but tried my hardest not to freak out. I still to this day cannot understand what happened to me. After I was cut I was dying to ask for a second chance, which you never do, but I was convinced that I deserved another try. I think because of that I am waiting for another audition to go back and prove myself to them. I know that they way I danced that day was no where near my ability and it eats me inside knowing that I could be perceived in such a way.
The final and most recent audition was for HubbardStreetDanceChicago's summer program. I was really excited for this one. They just seemed like a great opportunity, which they were. This one was very similar to Lines in which I immediately felt at home. The teacher was so nice and welcoming and really worked us. I was so comfortable. We did a ballet barre which I thought was traiditional but also non-traditional like the other auditions. We did a full ballet class and from my point of view and my friends, I was doing pretty well. I will say however that "breezay's" (I KNOW that's the wrong spelling) got the best of me which was a major downfall. But I still felt pretty confident throughout the entire audition so when I was cut, it was a quite surprising. The ones that catch you off guard are the hardest to let go of. I was really saddened that I didn't make it past because I thought I had a good shot. It was another moment in which I wished I could've know the reasoning behind the decision. I did however really enjoy myself so I should be grateful for that. I haven't been formally rejected yet so I still have some hope that I will at least be waitlisted which will restore some confidence in me. I know they were only accepting 70 in the entire program but it would've been nice to stick around and experience that unfamiliar glory of making a cut.
What the future holds for me in dance I really have no idea but I'm going to dance. I don't know when or how but I will. I have some auditions lined up and a huge one in May that I'm really looking forward to. For now, I better enter a ballet boot camp in order to fully prepare myself.
School, internship, and work are going well yet I'm still on the search for another job. I really want to try the "commercial" world so I am attempting to get my resume/picture ready to send out . My goal is to be financially stable by graduation and to hopefully have a job lined up that I will want to persue.
Until next time.
One thing that has really stuck with me for the past couple of weeks is something that a friend said to me. Every week when I'm catching up on life with my friend she will ask me, "so what's new, how was your week." And, everytime without thinking twice I will say, "nothing exciting." Recently, she asked me why I always say that whether it's true or not. My response was something along the lines of the fact that nothing really exciting is going on or that my definition of exciting is when something "amazing" happens to me. I'm literally still baffled by the question. This happened probably a month ago and I can't stop thinking about it. Why do I sell myself short? It's so easy for me to say that nothing is going on when really a whole lot has been happening. This one little comment has sent me towards a huge self-evaluation. I catch myself now when I get ready to say the same line if someone asks me how my life is. I have come to the realization that exciting things have happened to me but they just come in different forms. Instead of living like the glass is half full, I'm going to attempt to do the opposite and actually be happy for the little moments. If I continue to override these moments carelessly, I am basically overriding my life.
Aside from that haunting experience, things have been going fairly well (see I'm already trying to be positive). In terms of dance, I've solidified my spring schedule and have been going on auditions non-stop every Sunday for the entire month of February. I did it for the experience and so far all of them have been worth mentioning, no matter how good or bad they went. I'm finding out a lot about myself and, depending on the way I view it, these auditions have been life lessons. My first audition for Lines Contemporary Ballet's summer intensive was really exciting. From here I learned how much I would have loved their program. The audition made me enjoy ballet and just created such a good environment. I wasn't nervous or anxious but rather calm and able to enjoy the "class." The result was being waitlisted which I have come to take positively considering the, in my opinion, prestige-ness(I've created a new word) of the program.
Another exciting experience was taking a masterclass with Desmond Richardson of Complexions Ballet. This was an eye-opener as well because I came to realize again my love for this "new age" of ballet. I'm all for tradition but these contemporary barre techniques are teaching me so much. They are still rooted in tradition exercise but they take ballet to the next level for me. The choreography was great too. Personally, though, I felt I could have done better. I don't want to blame it on lack of food or being tired but near the end I wasn't as focused as I could have been. BUT, I will say that I was probably the most stretched out I had been in awhile from that barre warmup.
With all good moments, there always comes a bad audition right? Well...thats what happened when I went to LydiaJohnson. This was my first company audition and I really have no idea what happened but boy was I given a hard reality check after it. Everything started out fine and almost too "perfect" before I actually went to the audition. I was able to stretch and warm myself up before the audition. It felt like they stars aligned until I got into the room. Once we started learning the choreography, which wasn't difficult, I just wasn't connecting. I was trying to learn it and thought I had it, but I didn't. After going over it once or twice we started doing it in groups. Well I enventually went and it was probably my worst experience ever. I couldn't turn, the floor felt so slippery; I couldn't fully do the choreography as taught either. I was really surprised at myself but tried my hardest not to freak out. I still to this day cannot understand what happened to me. After I was cut I was dying to ask for a second chance, which you never do, but I was convinced that I deserved another try. I think because of that I am waiting for another audition to go back and prove myself to them. I know that they way I danced that day was no where near my ability and it eats me inside knowing that I could be perceived in such a way.
The final and most recent audition was for HubbardStreetDanceChicago's summer program. I was really excited for this one. They just seemed like a great opportunity, which they were. This one was very similar to Lines in which I immediately felt at home. The teacher was so nice and welcoming and really worked us. I was so comfortable. We did a ballet barre which I thought was traiditional but also non-traditional like the other auditions. We did a full ballet class and from my point of view and my friends, I was doing pretty well. I will say however that "breezay's" (I KNOW that's the wrong spelling) got the best of me which was a major downfall. But I still felt pretty confident throughout the entire audition so when I was cut, it was a quite surprising. The ones that catch you off guard are the hardest to let go of. I was really saddened that I didn't make it past because I thought I had a good shot. It was another moment in which I wished I could've know the reasoning behind the decision. I did however really enjoy myself so I should be grateful for that. I haven't been formally rejected yet so I still have some hope that I will at least be waitlisted which will restore some confidence in me. I know they were only accepting 70 in the entire program but it would've been nice to stick around and experience that unfamiliar glory of making a cut.
What the future holds for me in dance I really have no idea but I'm going to dance. I don't know when or how but I will. I have some auditions lined up and a huge one in May that I'm really looking forward to. For now, I better enter a ballet boot camp in order to fully prepare myself.
School, internship, and work are going well yet I'm still on the search for another job. I really want to try the "commercial" world so I am attempting to get my resume/picture ready to send out . My goal is to be financially stable by graduation and to hopefully have a job lined up that I will want to persue.
Until next time.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year, New Me-2009
Isn't it funny how when you flip through the months on a calendar, the year seems to have flown by so fast. I just sat here looking at my calendar from last year and really, they year did fly by! I can't believe it is 2009. So much is going to change for me this year. I feel like I've just sat down and strapped in to one of the biggest rollar coaster rides and it's about to creep up the first drop. Do you know that feeling? It's like the calm before the storm. I don't know what's to come but there's no turning back.
I finished "Letters to my Daughter" and it was fantastic. I absolutely loved the mini stories and the morals that came from it. I also read "Skinny Bitch" which was my way of finally taking a crash course in Nutrition. I must say I learned a lot and am more consious about what I am eating. I am also re-exploring vegetarian and vegan options. I like to experiment on what I feel are different lifestyles. It fascinates me. I've also been hanging out with my friend Dina who is kosher. I've learned so much about the Kosher diet just by being with her for 2 days. It's interesting to me when people claim they can't live without a certain food or drink. I used to be just like that but I enjoy giving up that type of food to see if it is a mental or physical urge. Of course it's mental. You think you can't live without meat or fish but really you can once you expand your mind to other food groups. If anything this book taught me to expand my perception of what I can and can't have in addition to exploring different food groups.
Aside from that, my wisdom teeth surgery was terrible. It was more painful than the first and I think I have a problem because I definitely still have a whole in my mouth. Ugh, just another thing to annoy me. I thought I'd have the surgery and be done but of course this situation is going to lag on.
In other news, tomorrow will be my first day stepping in front of a class and actually teaching. I thought this day would never come and I also dreaded it. But for some reason, I'm actually ready and excited. To me, it's a big step. And, isn't it ironic it is within the first few days of the new year. I'm subbing for 3 classes that I normally assist for BDC's child and teen program. I'm sure I'll report back with a full update.
I don't have much else to update on. I had a really fun week. I had a mini reunion with some friends from high school, enjoyed a fun Kosher New Years, and then a couple of adventurous days in the city. Next week Ailey restarts. I can't wait to get back to taking some classes there and seeing my friends.
Oh, some of my New Year's resolutions include finding a dance job, increasing my dance ability, decreasing my stress, enjoying life more, and I'm sure there's more but this is what I came up with.
I finished "Letters to my Daughter" and it was fantastic. I absolutely loved the mini stories and the morals that came from it. I also read "Skinny Bitch" which was my way of finally taking a crash course in Nutrition. I must say I learned a lot and am more consious about what I am eating. I am also re-exploring vegetarian and vegan options. I like to experiment on what I feel are different lifestyles. It fascinates me. I've also been hanging out with my friend Dina who is kosher. I've learned so much about the Kosher diet just by being with her for 2 days. It's interesting to me when people claim they can't live without a certain food or drink. I used to be just like that but I enjoy giving up that type of food to see if it is a mental or physical urge. Of course it's mental. You think you can't live without meat or fish but really you can once you expand your mind to other food groups. If anything this book taught me to expand my perception of what I can and can't have in addition to exploring different food groups.
Aside from that, my wisdom teeth surgery was terrible. It was more painful than the first and I think I have a problem because I definitely still have a whole in my mouth. Ugh, just another thing to annoy me. I thought I'd have the surgery and be done but of course this situation is going to lag on.
In other news, tomorrow will be my first day stepping in front of a class and actually teaching. I thought this day would never come and I also dreaded it. But for some reason, I'm actually ready and excited. To me, it's a big step. And, isn't it ironic it is within the first few days of the new year. I'm subbing for 3 classes that I normally assist for BDC's child and teen program. I'm sure I'll report back with a full update.
I don't have much else to update on. I had a really fun week. I had a mini reunion with some friends from high school, enjoyed a fun Kosher New Years, and then a couple of adventurous days in the city. Next week Ailey restarts. I can't wait to get back to taking some classes there and seeing my friends.
Oh, some of my New Year's resolutions include finding a dance job, increasing my dance ability, decreasing my stress, enjoying life more, and I'm sure there's more but this is what I came up with.
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