Wednesday, December 23, 2009

In 2010

In 2010, I want everything to fall into place. The only way this will happen is if I make a pact with myself. So here goes...

-I promise to go to as many auditions as possible that offer me the opportunity to do what I want to do most: dance for a living.
-I promise to go all out, balls to the wall, with every opportunity that comes my way. In 2009, I was very picky on what auditions I went to and what I "felt" would be a good gig. Lets change that.
-I promise not to give up when the going gets tough. January is a slow audition month so I don't expect this "change" to happen immediately in'd be nice if it did though ;-)
-I promise to keep up with all things that make me a better dancer in addition to being more versatile in this industry. Hello yoga, gymnastics, hiphop, and singing(remember that brief stint).
-I promise to hold on to the friendships I have. Living far is no longer an excuse.
-I promise to strengthen the relationships with my extended family. It's a stretch, but I would love a 2010 reunion.

For some reason, 2010 feels like it could be such a big year. Maybe it's because is the beginning of a new decade. Maybe it's because I'm out of school and I don't think of another year as another semester. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic but I'm just ready for this new year to come. 2009 was great for the most part. It was definitely the year of new experiences but I'm ready for 2010 to top that.

Happy Holidays everyone <3

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