Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting into the swing of things

Tomorrow begins the beginning of Week 3. It's also the beginning of our learning of our first show. Everything prior to tomorrow has been a dance bit or deck party. This past Saturday we went through everything we learned. I was minorly dreading it but it was actually awesome because we learned SO much, SO fast. I really can't believe how much choreography and blocking my brain can retain :)

I finally had my costume fitting and it was the best day of my life. I tried on so many different shoes and different outfits. The best part was when one of the wardrobe people came up to me and was like, "ok, here is YOUR rack,'" meaning my own rack of costumes to be fitted to my size and just for me. It's still so weird to think about. The costumes are amazing. I don't even know where to begin. I already have a favorite and it involves a huge petticoat! My favorite. Everything becomes real when you get to costumes. Even though we have a while before we actually wear them, the fact that they are in the process of being made is enough to excite me.

This brings me to another point. I still can't get over how much planning and organization occurs in advance. It doesn't just fall into place by the grace of magic. Everyone has been working SO hard to get us to where we are today. The cast is the transformation from page to stage. They keep telling us this and I truthfully understand it now. But what is so amazing is seeing what we do and knowing that just 3 weeks ago it was all just hypothetical. It didn't become real until we arrived. Now the pressure is on to live out the pun intended!

I'm very excited to learn a show for the next month. It's new too so this is another layer of awesomeness that I get to experience. I am sad, however, because our choreographer for the past 2 weeks has left. He said he won't be able to see us while on the ship either which really stinks. This guy, Robbie, is amazing; he pulls choreography out of no where AND is so versatile with his movement. We literally jump from style to style in a matter of minutes between numbers. I secretly hope he comes to visit on the ship, ANYWAY! He has taught use so much in so little time, I'm gonna miss seeing him around. We'll be getting a whole new production tteamm tomorrow too, which is kind of sad! I guess this is just how they operate effectively.

Here's to a new week!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 3 madness.

3 days in and we never stop. Today was definitely intense. It's lots of choreography to learn and it's only just the beginning! Where to begin? I'm getting into the swing of things very easily, no more freak outs or last minute panics lol. It's just crazy not knowing where you are going or what you will be doing at all times and if anyone knows me, I'm someone that LOVES to plan.
If I didn't already say it, we have 9 hour rehearsal days. It's really cool in a way b/c I've always wondered how these things ran and now I do! We get an hour lunch break which is nice and I do feel like the time goes well. Not too fast and never slow. Everyone is so nice and so chill. I feel like I'm at a boarding school and I've been here forever, but it's only been 3 days. I bet it's gonna end up flying by and I don't want it to! Gotta savor the moment :)
I'm realizing now how amazingly blessed I am to be part of the first cast for this new ship. We are all originators. I found out from returning cast members that even the shows that have been done before are being revamped so we are basically doing all new things! Sidenote- I love how Celina Dion is playing on their radio. It's like elevator music in this room. Someone just came out of the gym...I feel guilty sitting in this common area, right outside the gym. I can't go yet, my body is like so worked by the time rehearsals are done. (Backstreet Boys has now started playing) I think by next week, when my body has become used to all this I will hit up the gym. For now, it's stretching on my own and getting my butt kicked in rehearsal. I haven't forgot my goals! Ps, I love group warmup! We did an arm workout with therabands the other day that KILLED...but it was good.

Today, the 2nd half of the cast arrived. The singers and principals. We have a total of about 46 people..I think before I said 44 and clearly I was wrong. Largest cast ever! Loving every minute of it :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Walking into the Unknown

It's official...I'm slow. Why doesn't my brain process the magnitude of things/situations until it's too late sometimes? It wasn't until I was hugging my mother, and suddenly crying, that I realized what was happening. You know that REALLY sad commercial where the kid is suddenly without his mom and he's just crying and looking around? Well, it's not that dramatic but that's sort of how I felt. I had a fear of the unknown. I couldn't predict what was going to happen or guess. I really have NO idea. I can talk to thousands of people that have done the ship before but it doesn't matter. This is my experience and I guess I just didn't realize until that moment.
Luckily, I met one of my castmates while waiting for my twice delayed, yet early arrival JET plane. NO, I didn't know it would be a jet plane..the kind you board from the outside. I was definitely nervous but thanks to Bonine and confidence, I made it haha. Actually we were only in the air for 56minutes, fun fact. Who knew Canada was so close?
Fast forward to the place I'm staying. It's beyond great, pictures to come. Downfall is using an internet cable in the living room instead of being nice and snuggly in my bed. Plus their is only 1 cable so me and my roommate will share. It's actually not a big deal haha, I'm just being silly. Anyways, what did I do when I got here? I tried to take a picture near customs b/c it said Welcome to Canada and the woman in uniform gave me the evil eye  plus a snooty attitude. I graciously deleted it in front of her and she acted as if she wanted to throw me back to the US. Guys, don't mess with those people haha. It reminded me of my times at the museum and telling people to stop taking pictures..only mine was far more worse considering she had the right to deny my lol
After eating and grocery shopping in the nearby Toronto area, I am not 'home' and going to stretch out a bit, sleep, and wake up bright and early for tomorrow! I'm excited for what's to come. It really is SO weird to stop and think, and realize that I am here/going to be here, dancing for a living. I can't wait.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where am I going?

When people hug me, they are holding on for a little be longer than usual. This is how I know things are changing. I now that on the physical level, yes, I am leaving for 10months and yes, I'm feeling A,B, and C emotions but on the emotional level, I'm feeling indifferent. I was explaining it to a friend that, it's only with people that I've previously been away from for an extended amount of time(going away to college) that I feel that feeling of sadness that I won't see them everyday. This is because I've already experienced it. With all the friends that I've met and crossed paths with I feel like when I'm saying good-bye, it doesn't feel real. Will it really be the last time that I see them? OR, will I see them in 10months? Will everything be different? Will it be just the same? The only reason I'm buggin out and actually writing about this is because I go no where...ever..until now. I went away to school and came back but this is different. The boundaries are international! I'm definitely ready to go and very excited but it also doesn't feel real because I've not experience this before. I don't know HOW to feel, I can only guess.
It's official. I leave in 2 days. Got the luggage, got the flight info, it's all set. I'm pretty sure I'm ready. This is what I wanted. I had been talking about how I always wanted to travel and I how I want to dance for a living. Thankfully, I have been blessed with experiencing both in one package. My reservations so far include questioning if I'll remember all the choreography, if I'll get along with everyone, if I'll be able to handle dancing whilst in motion, etc. I know I have plenty of time to figure this out but as a self-acclaimed over-analyzer, I can't help but think about these things all at once. 
I plan on blogging here while on my adventures but I still do have a journal from when I was at school in Maryland. I think I'm going to carry it. I never wrote about my adventures in NYC but I kind of just want to pick up where I left off. Who knows, I might end up being so busy that neither ends up being used but I'm going to try.

For now, lately I have assumed the role of tourist and have been exploring NYC high and low. It's been bittersweet because I've discovered all these great places of tranquility AND excitement, yet I won't be seeing them again for 10months. It's nice to step out of the typical and come across a secluded area. This is how I know that NYC is so unique. It can't get old, unless you stay in the same area. If you do, go explore. There is soooo much out there in the city and it's so easy to miss it. I've realized NYC doesn't revolve around times square. There is SO much more to do  And the best part of it all is that I've been able to spend little to NO money all week long. That was a bonus considering I made a plea with some friends to do things that would involve paying. I'm glad that worked out, otherwise I really would have spent the weekend at home...staring at the walls.  

So in my last 2 days I have planned to meet friends at the Highline, my new favorite place, the teahouse, and for Friday I plan to get my head together so that I am mentally and physically prepared for Saturday.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's been TOO long

Major foul on my part for not posting for almost 6 months. There is SO much that has happened but I guess it'll just remain a personal memory. I will try to update on major things. Since February, I have been auditioning like mad in hopes of dancing for a living and FINALLY, it is beginning. I have been offered to dance on the new Disney cruise ship, Disney Dream, and I am actually scheduled to leave next Saturday. I am so happy and relieved and excited. I don't know what to expect and I've been racking my brain over it. What I ultimately hope for is that I get and interpret all the choreography, I truly embrace every opportunity out there, and that I have a good time. I hope to meet great people and just really work on myself as a dancer and getting to the next level so that when I come back, I'm even more ready for the next auditions and booking something else! I'm going to miss my family, friends, and especially, my routine of life. Constantly going to the city and balancing dance classes, extras work, and working at my job. I'm such a busy bee and I really stretched myself trying to do everything I wanted. I've even just begun discovering new classes at Peridance that I could've been taking forever but never made it to the studio. It makes it that much harder to experience it knowing that I'll be leaving in 1 week and a half.

Other great things- R.Evolucion Latina. I was very nervous originally to participate in their 3 day summer camp for kids but it was a major success. I thought it was going to be challenging but I love kids and it was so great to be with them and watch them get inspired by the arts. The last day, the camp celebration, was the most fun I'd had in a while. It felt so great to be in a room with so many people just dancing and embracing the music. I didn't want it to end. Now, I'm really starting to get involved with the business side by voicing my opinions on some of the things they are doing but I'm leaving so I can't truly be there. There are so many great things coming up that I had been dying to be a part of but will miss. I guess this is a part of growing up. I can't wait to come back and see how much they have developed.

hmmm, what else has been going on? I did a lot of extra work which was fun. Nice side money. Gossip girl was fun and so was the Good Wife. I did 3 days on the Good Wife so I'm curious to see if I'll be seen. The episode is called Cleaning House so I'll have to keep track. The Gossip Girl idea what it's called lol

I guess that's it, I've completely forgot everything else that's been going on. Oh, I have a pain in my left knee that is making me nervous. I can't pinpoint it because I didn't take kinesiology or anatomy lol. I think it's from over turnout or over plie-ing. I think it's a tendon and it only happens in certain classes. It's weird, I think I'm not pulling up the right way. I hope I won't have to feel it on the ship, that'll really suck!