Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting into the swing of things

Tomorrow begins the beginning of Week 3. It's also the beginning of our learning of our first show. Everything prior to tomorrow has been a dance bit or deck party. This past Saturday we went through everything we learned. I was minorly dreading it but it was actually awesome because we learned SO much, SO fast. I really can't believe how much choreography and blocking my brain can retain :)

I finally had my costume fitting and it was the best day of my life. I tried on so many different shoes and different outfits. The best part was when one of the wardrobe people came up to me and was like, "ok, here is YOUR rack,'" meaning my own rack of costumes to be fitted to my size and just for me. It's still so weird to think about. The costumes are amazing. I don't even know where to begin. I already have a favorite and it involves a huge petticoat! My favorite. Everything becomes real when you get to costumes. Even though we have a while before we actually wear them, the fact that they are in the process of being made is enough to excite me.

This brings me to another point. I still can't get over how much planning and organization occurs in advance. It doesn't just fall into place by the grace of magic. Everyone has been working SO hard to get us to where we are today. The cast is the transformation from page to stage. They keep telling us this and I truthfully understand it now. But what is so amazing is seeing what we do and knowing that just 3 weeks ago it was all just hypothetical. It didn't become real until we arrived. Now the pressure is on to live out the pun intended!

I'm very excited to learn a show for the next month. It's new too so this is another layer of awesomeness that I get to experience. I am sad, however, because our choreographer for the past 2 weeks has left. He said he won't be able to see us while on the ship either which really stinks. This guy, Robbie, is amazing; he pulls choreography out of no where AND is so versatile with his movement. We literally jump from style to style in a matter of minutes between numbers. I secretly hope he comes to visit on the ship, ANYWAY! He has taught use so much in so little time, I'm gonna miss seeing him around. We'll be getting a whole new production tteamm tomorrow too, which is kind of sad! I guess this is just how they operate effectively.

Here's to a new week!

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