Where to begin? I have thought about this blog for so long and yet never gave myself a chance to actually update it. I'm awful. There is SO much to mention but unfortunately I'm going to move forward and talk about what is to come. In exactly 1 week, I am leaving for Germany with the Dream 1 cast(love us, by the way) to board our ship. This will be my new home for the next 7 months. I can't believe the time is here.
In just 2 1/2 short months I managed to learn 4 dance bites, 2 deck parties, 2 mini dance bites, and 2 mainstage shows. I used to be surprised by how much my brain could contain but now it seems to be second nature. As of now, I am able to separate the choreography for each show and not get mixed up between all of them. I've learned so much information, I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded.
In just 2 1/2 short months I've become so close to my cast...of 44 people. It's crazy how we mesh together in such a large group. I'm even more excited because we will all be on the same flight, as of now, for Germany. The awful part is that it's an 8 hour flight and then we have to take a 7 hour bus ride to the ship. This is the farthest I've ever traveled in my life. I'm nervous, but excited because I will be with my team; my second family.
In just 2 1/2 short months, I've become accustomed and comfortable with Toronto. I know where to take my dance classes and my yoga classes. The thought of not having either within reach is starting to freak me out. I loved have the freedom to go anywhere at any free moment we had. It'll be a major transformation.
I'm definitely excited to board the ship, I just have no idea what eecept. Plus all the media coverage we have been getting makes the ship look SO amazing. I feel so blessed to have such an oppotunity.Though I miss my fmaily and friends back home, this is a fine medium.
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